More Information about Vertica Webinar w/ Demo

I got a chuckle from an email I received recently for an invitation to a Webinar tomorrow.  I would like to go to the webinar so this post is no ill reflection on the actual event itself.  Here is the excerpt from the email.

"Getting 30-year old OLTP database technology to handle today's data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) workloads, is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. As a result, DBAs are required to force databases to perform unnatural acts at high cost, or replace them with expensive and proprietary data warehouse hardware."

I believe that I can say with great confidence that I don't want to see most of the DBA's I've ever known "being forced to perform unnatural acts at high cost..."

Thanks for the chuckle Vertica.  I find the promise of the Vertica technology interesting although I'm less interested in it for data warehousing than I am for large scale web application possibilities.   If you would like to follow up on the webinar, here is the information.  

Good Things Come in Small Packages
The advantages of compression in column databases

What if your database could store 20TB of user data in just 2TB of disk space? Not only would that save you hundreds of thousands of dollars on storage hardware, it can help boost database query performance by over 50x.

Attend this complimentary Webinar to hear MIT Associate Professor Dr. Sam Madden describe how column-oriented relational databases are able to aggressively compress data and as a result, revolutionize the performance and economics of data warehouses and data marts, so that more people can query more data faster and more affordably.

Date: Wednesday, October 10
Time: 12:00PM Eastern time, 9AM Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
Featured presenter: Dr. Sam Madden, MIT Computer Science Professor and Vertica Advisor


Column-oriented RDBMS architecture overview
How the columnar Vertica Database is able to:
Compress data by 90%
Query it in compressed form
Use compression to enable other DBMS break-throughs such as support for grid computing and ad-hoc query-handling
Benefits of compression:
50x-200x faster query performance
70% lower storage costs and greater resource utilization
Handle ad-hoc queries without special tuning
Customer benchmarks: compression in practice in Call Detail Record (CDR) databases
Live demonstration of Vertica compression and query performance
Getting 30-year old OLTP database technology to handle today's data warehouse and business intelligence (BI) workloads, is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. As a result, DBAs are required to force databases to perform unnatural acts at high cost, or replace them with expensive and proprietary data warehouse hardware.

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