In March 2013 I had the opportunity and pleasure to attend the Singularity University Executive Program. It was a wonderful experience that I would recommend to anyone wanting to explore the impact of technology and the pace of technological change on our lives, our companies, and our world.
The SU EP is a six day course in which you will experience a tremendous flood of information. But, if your like me, you seek out such things and face the firehose full-on.
The tracks you study during the program are BioTechnology/BioInformatics, Energy / Environmental Systems, Networks / Computing Systems, AI / Robotics, Medicine / Neuroscience, and Nanotechnology. This gives you a wonderfully broad view with spot deep dives by subject matter experts that really drive home the ultimate point that exponential technology change is shaping the world around us at breakneck speeds relative to what we humans generally are comfortable with in some ways. Over time, I hope to share my of the insights I gleaned from SU here and through my projects. For now, I recommend you have a look at the site they maintain called Singularity Hub to keep tabs on many of the related technologies and topics.
One of the best takeaways for me from the program was the friends I made while I was there and the many people I got to meet during the program. At the end of the day, no matter how technical things seem to get, never underestimate the power of human connections.