Great Use of Amazon EC2/SQS - Mogulus

While perusing a presentation on Amazon SQS1 (Simple Queuing Service) today I noticed an interesting slide part way through.  The article was about a new web service called Mogulus2.It made it here to ProductionScale for using a scalable architecture.  The service is still in beta and I don't have an account or an idea for a TV show just yet but I wanted to pass this on.  I like it when disruptive technologies pop up and this one, if they truly pull it off, has some potential.

Mogulus is intended to provide the capability to provide a live internet based television channel for anyone who would like to do so that is easy enough for that to be practical.  According to the tour on the site you can mix in content in real time as you go.  For further information it would be best to read their FAQ3.  I suspect their underlying use of EC2 and SQS is very much like the video transcoding case study, Monster Muck Mashup5 on the Amazon SQS site.

This one certainly had made me think about what I might want to do with such a tool.  Al Gore and Current TV4 might want to watch out.  Plus, I'd call these guys a serious acquisition target for Google.

I'm looking forward to learning a bit more about their architecture and will have to see what I can dig up! 

Sources and Resources: 

1. Amazon SQS -

2. Mogulus -

3. Mogulus FAQ -

4. Current TV - 

5. SQS Video Conversion Case study -