cloud computing

Welcome VGBuilder to the world!

Build custom apps + deploy them to your cloud host of choice -- straight from the command line.

The first applications using VGBuilder are live already and there are more in works.

This Cloud Native Application Development toolset was created out of a genuine need for a big project about a year ago that needed to move very fast.  There were no tools that we felt really met our needs at the time so we created our own.  That’s a story that will be told soon in more detail I expect.

I consider VGBuilder a Cloud Native Application development tool set.  It does not meet all my requirements  as you’ll note if you read the above article.  But, in time it will I believe.

To understand some of my thinking that went into VGBuilder it helps to read these articles:

Cloud Native Applications

I wouldn't claim necessarily that VGBuilder is revolutionary but it certainly is evolutionary.  One of the more powerful aspects of this toolset is that it removes the need for any middle man or centralized platform to get your ideas from your brain and into the cloud crazy fast and with quite a bit of style.  It allows you to build and deploy your applications in the cloud with almost no barriers.  It removes the need for PaaS services for many people right from the start.

Essentially your laptop or computer becomes your private cloud and either Amazon or Rackspace (supported today out of the box) becomes your public cloud. This is essentially a hybrid cloud model that puts all the power in the developers hands and automates almost everything that is often tedious or cumbersome otherwise.

Things are still rough around the edges.  As much as anything I want to guage interest and get feedback on this new set of tools.  There is a long way to go but preliminary case studies have been excellent.  

Please contact me or sign up on the early access web page for if you’d like to be kept informed of the progress and provided access to use the tools for your own projects as it is opened it up to more early adopters.


Scale Planning and the AKF Scale Cube

There are a lot of ways to draw diagrams for availability and scalability.  I use different ones for different purposes all the time.  However, when I was reading the Art of Scalability by AKF partners I ran across a nice compound diagram they call the AKF Scale Cube which helps simplify the explanation of the multi-dimensional nature of scalability issues in complex web application scenarios.  

I’ve been using this visualization model to help me explain how things fit together in both technical and business discussions.  It comes in very handy I must say.

Most recent I’ve been using it to describe a gnarly distributed application I’m working on for a client.  What follows is a generalized version of a functional use and some discussion of a compound view of ones I have created for clients of mine.

Some base-line definitions are in order if you haven’t read the book mentioned above.

X-Axis - Horizontal Scalability, Clones, Scale Out.  These are terms often associated with the X-Axis.  In the case of this graph, day you build a data processor then make 10 copies of it.  Well, that’s scaling to 10 units on the x-axis in this graph.  Depending on your application, this can help you increase your capacity; but not always!

Y-Axis - I’ve called this axis functional decomposition for a long time.  It can be thought of as breaking the application down from a monolithic single instance into discreet stand-alone parts.  I have some examples that are a bit of mix from various projects I’ve worked on in the past here.

Z-Axis - This is the tricky one for most folks.  This is what people might call sharding, partitioning, etc.  Keep in mind, I’m not only talking about a database here.  I’m talking about an entire complex multi-faceted distributed highly-available web application.

0,0,0 - The intersection of all three axis or 0,0,0.  This is what some would call an all-in-one server.  It’s often used for proof of concept for for launching without a care in the world for future growth needs.  There’s nothing wrong with it as long as you understand the limitations and technical debt associated with the approach.

Z-Axis Item Explanations

Client - Assuming this is a multi-tentant application you may want to shard your application by client such that each client or group of clients is assigned somehow to a specific cluster of nodes.

Geography - Assuming you’d like to have built in DRBC and your applciation is capable of surviving being split up into many pieces then you could end up sharding your application by data center and broader geographies such as city, state, country.

External Cloud - Using IaaS and PaaS resources outside of your own data centers.  For a refresher on IaaS and PaaS see the article I wrote, “Cloud Computing:  Get Your Head in the Clouds,” in 2008 that was heavily read over the years.

Internal Cloud - Using your own infrastructure resources BEHIND your own firewall to do whatever it is that your application does.  This doesn’t always have to be a cloud.  If you want to know what I think it takes to be a cloud then read the several articles I wrote over the years related to that topic.  I do set the bar pretty high though I’ve learned.

Purpose - You might want to simply partition along the Z-Axis by any generic purpose for various reasons.  I think of this a little bit like saying I want to put all widgets in data node 1 and all waggles in data node 2.  They’ll both fit in a single node but maybe I want to spread my risk around.  This one is a little nebulous but it can engender fun conversations about why things need to exist at all.

Shard Key - We see this all the time in traditional RDBMS style deployments and even in some of the newer tools in the NOSQL world.  It’s basically just some index of what node you put things one somewhere.  For those of you that had to deal with libraries before the internet you’ll remember the lovely card catalog.  It’s was nicely set up to help you figure out with shard of the library your book was close to.  Then, when you got there, good old dewey decimal system kicked in to take you the rest of the way.

Y-Axis Item Explanations

Data Processing - this could be some application that transforms data from one state to another.  For example, it might simply remove all the spaces in a document and replace them with dashes.  That’s a bit of a silly example, but just to make the point.

Data Aggregator - I’ve had to build project after project that needed one form or another of data aggregation.  So, just think of this as something that might consume and RSS feed and stick it in a database of some kind.

Distributed Calculation - I’ve been doing work and research with Map-Reduce, Actor Models, the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model and more exotic instruments from past, present, and future.  This is simply something that does some kind of math or calculation of some sort.  For example, counting all the uses of the word onomatopoeia in 50TB of English essays by high school students across 100’s of of compute nodes.

Processor App - This is just a generic discreet application that processes something, like an API request for example.

Web App - This is an application, in my case, written in a modern MVC framework that has the job of interacting with web users and getting things done in the back-ground in various ways with various services.

Base Installation - I think of this as just shared code.  One of the developers I have been working with recently suggested that we extract a number of commonly used components from various application pieces on the Y-Axis and build a library of sorts.  Great suggestion in this case, so I stuck in on my general diagram to remind me in the future.

What’s interesting about all these conceptual applications is that if you create them correctly and with the correct architectural models that each item that lives on the X Axis will also be able to scale on the X and Z axis.  For example, you could have your web application running 5 X-Axis copies in 4 Y-Axis partitions; say external cloud, by client, purpose, and by geography per client.  So, you’d end up use four AWS Availability zones in 2 AWS locations running 96 application nodes in total.  Of course, your application has to be built correctly to take advantage of all of this distribution at every level.  But, that’s a topic for a later date I suppose.

In summary, this post was just to share some of my thinking around the use of a very nice visualization tool by the fine folks at AKF Partners.  So, a shout out to them for the nice tool and hopefully this helps people a bit understand how it can be used / thought of in a variety of ways.
Just remember, it's not one-size-fits all.  Your use, labels, and needs for such things will vary greatly depending on what you are trying to architect, develop, and deploy.

On Clouds and SPOF’s (or the Great AWS Outage of April 2011)

Just a couple of days after posting about cloud native applications Amazon raised the bar by having some issues in one of their data center regions. These issues primarily affected EBS and RDS from what I’ve read. So, pretty much everything one way or another since using AWS EC2 without EBS in any form for most applications that exist today is a little wacky for most folks. This is because your EC2 AMI won’t persist through a reboot in the absense of the use of EBS. Most folks have not reached the operational nirvana yet of full automated configuration management and application fault tolerance that makes this acceptable for them.

What level of SPOF (Single Point of Failure) are you are willing to tolerate. So, I wanted to “scale up” the idea of the SPOF then bring it back down again. Here we go.

If the earth stops working, so will your web application (admittedly there might be some satellite networks that don’t have this problem... but who cares at that point?)

So, let’s keep going. Each of these is a potential single point of failure.

Earth > Continent > Country > State/Region > City > Neighborhood > Building > Floor > Room > Rack > Server > Server Component

And, at each tier, there are numerous dependencies and contexts to keep your service running at any given time. There are the obviously ones like the above example where if the earth explodes the neighborhood is pretty much shot to hell also. But, that’s obvious. It’s gets less obvious when you dig deeper into the data center and see that there are 5 servers so that’s okay right? Maybe. Maybe not. If it is something like.

Dynamic Name Service > Load Balancer > Web Server > Application Server > Database Server

Then those 5 servers/services might be in that one rack per data center per room per building per neighborhood per city per state per country per continent per planet is looking pretty vulnerable. In the grand scheme of things the loss of one power supply in one machine could impact the entire planet’s capacity to retrieve whatever is on that DB that is so globally important; like a picture of your kid making a funny face on his 2nd birthday.

Do you think it is Amazon AWS’s fault if you put that database on one server in one rack in one place with no reasonable SLA and it goes away forever? Not so much. You are accountable and responsible. You made that choice.

Now, how can we change this for the better? We can develop applications that are able to tolerate the loss of a single point of failure at a sufficient granuality (Earth is a bit extreme today) such that our applications keep running when bad things like the AWS outage occur. I call these Cloud Native Applications. They have certain traits that should look a little familiar to cloud folks.

You cannot create a cloud native application doing things the same way you always have before. It simply will not work. The necessary software architecture and systems architecture has changed if you want your application to run on the cloud w/ no SPOFs.

Just needed to get that off my chest. Some related links for good reading:

And if your REALLY keen to write some CNA’s (contact me) and read...


Update on 2011-04-25 02:39 by Kent Langley

I follow George Reese on twitter and just ran across a tweet about this post. I thought it was worth noting:

The AWS Outage: The Clouds Shining Moment

While I do not necessarily agree with everything posted there I do like George's way of thinking.  I would say that he said it all in the last sentence.

"These kinds of failures don't expose the weaknesses of the cloud—they expose why the cloud is so important."

Update on 2011-04-26 21:03 by Kent Langley

And, another good write up imho.

Key point?

"A lot more effort needs to go into documenting proper cloud architecture. The cloud has changed the game. There are new tools and, as a result, new ways of building systems in the cloud. Case studies, diagrams, approved tools, etc. should all be highlighted, documented, and preached about accordingly."

He says that, "The Cloud is not a silver bullet..."  I certainly agree.  But, it is a gold mine of opportunity if you choose to avail yourself of it's strengths and deploy cloud native applications like Netflix, Amazon themselves, and SmugMug appear to have done fine jobs of for themselves.

Cloud Native Applications

I’ve always believed that cloud computing is really two things. One, it is a technology architecture. Two, it is a business operating paradigm that we often call on-demand. Your application must satisfy the on-demand business model requirements satisfy the technical architecture requirements to be a cloud native application. There are not very many cloud native applications running in the world today. This is changing quickly. A Cloud Native Application is architected and designed to run on what is commonly referred to as a cloud IaaS or PaaS. The words I used there are very important. It is architected and designed to run in the cloud from the beginning. Therefore, it has a number of important traits as part of it’s DNA. The traits that a Cloud Native Application must have are: