These are Areas of Knowledge that Kent can immediately assist with and provide substantial value. This is not an exhaustive list and many of these can combine for specific efforts and engagements as needed. Any of these topic areas can be booked direct, through ExO.Works for Sprint customers and a growing number of them via

Business Model Canvas

I have taught this countless times. I have trained hundreds of entrepreneurs in venues like Startup Weekend Peru. I have done workshops with the business model canvas for executive teams in the areas of finance, data science and agricultural businesses. I was a co-creator of a company based on the canvas called Launchpad Central. This was sponsored and invested in by Steve Blank. It was a software as a service tool for building and managing a business model canvas over time for university programs such as University of Berkeley.

Exponential Organizations Canvas

In on June 1 of 2016 I had the distinct honor to release the ExO Canvas to the world at The canvas was jointly developed by ExO.Works’ team and 44 collaborators from all around the world. Since then, I’ve given numerous talks on the canvas in virtual and workshop environment to help teams understand how to best put the ExO Canvas to good use in the context of their business, their aspirations and other existing tools such as the Business Model Canvas.

Staff on Demand

Since 2003 when I built an outsourced engineering team in China for Autodesk Autocad w/ follow the sun pair programming rotation. Most recently, I've sourced UX, Software engineering, data engineering, design services and more from offshore (Vietnam, Argentina, Panama, China) an on-shore (various places in the united states). My last startup Ekho was about 50/50 hire vs. staff on demand by design run w/ a Holocratic organizational and communications structure so that such a dispersed team could function well and be productive. I have significant hands on experience designing distributed self-managing teams and generally do so with techniques borrowed from the best self-managing frameworks.

Buyer Persona

This is what my last company Ekho did. Data driven buyer persons based on custom real time intent mining from social media sources. We called the Customer Intelligence Database profiles.

Smart Contracts

I have done extensive research and experimentation on Smart contracts. I've focused on Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains for smart-contract hosting.  I have a well developed presentation on Smart Contracts, a key component of blockchain related technology that can help you explore how Smart Contract technology may affect your company's business in the future.

I have researched this extensively. I have had many 1-1 and breakout sessions with executives and directors to provide understanding on the impact of the blockchain and cryptocurrency. I have a small stake in the DAO as well and have been following those developments closely.

Extensive work and continuing research in this area. I teach Data Science at Singularity University. My core is called Exponential Data. My last company, Ekho, was Data Science as a Service for Influencer Marketing. I and my teams developed an extensive array of algorithms are interest, intent, opinion, geography and other areas. I personally designed and deployed the systems, engineering teams and deployment/operations teams to deploy and implemented them at scale. I am currently, for my company ProductionScale, working with a data science team in Colombia that I've helped them build develop. I have been dramatically increasing their operational capability to dramatically accelerate their team's ability to design and deploy algorithms with integrated farm performance, market and nutritional data.

Application development
I have spent decades building and deploying applications on the internet / web. My focus has been on large scale distributed application development and operations for SaaS and SaaS-like applications. I have worked with teams from the US, Mexico, Vietnam, Argentina, Colombia, India, Panama and Peru. I've worked as an advisor, employee, consultant doing everything from code, systems engineering and systems architecture. Some projects and client of note are Autodesk, Dell, Revinate, Politear/Zignal Labs, nScaled, LaunchPad Central and California Lottery. I played a critical role in the development of applications for all of those companies.

I have a strong preference for agile scrum and kanban style workflow patterns to maintain adaptability and performance of teams, especially distributed teams, over time.

There is a lot of information about me on LinkedIN, SingularityU and my own company site ProductionScale.