Cloud Computing with Java

I just posted on the company blog where I work about my work and testing using Gigaspaces XAP.  In summary, we did a very cool series of Monte Carlo simulations as a test case for cloud computing with Java using Joyent's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Gigaspaces Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Owen Taylor's simulation software application.  We did this to test scalability and ease of use of the platform.  It was a fun test series.

Most importantly for me is that, in my opinion, we did some real honest to goodness cloud computing.  To take an excerpt from the blog, I said,

Cloud Computing is the act of deploying, elastically scaling, managing, and running Cloud Computing Applications on Cloud Computers. Cloud Computing Applications are those applications that are well designed to run on Cloud Computers. In this case, Joyent provided infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Gigaspaces provided the Gigaspaces XAP Platform as a Service (PaaS). A savvy developer, Owen, created a cloud computing software application, the Monte Carlo simulation. We definitely did some Cloud Computing in this test!
This ties back to a previous series of articles I have written here more or less. Now, instead of just writing about I'm finding good examples and doing it for real.

Full article is available here:

Cloud Computing using Gigaspaces XAP on Joyent Accelerators

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